I’ve come to really hate the phrase, “my new normal.” It implies that this is a situation a person can adjust to, as if one can settle in and get comfortable with living with a Stage IV lung cancer diagnosis….
It’s Lung Cancer Awareness Month (LCAM) and I’m just getting here now to remind you about it (oops). Unfortunately, my blogging has been stalled out for a bit, but I’m still here! I hope you will consider contributing to my…
I’m so thrilled to announce this fundraiser for the Addario Lung Cancer Foundation’s ROS1 Research Project. Accomplished artist and art instructor Tehila Eisenstat will be teaching an art class! Attendees will paint a picture, using acrylic paints, on a stretched canvas….
[This article was originally posted on Psychology Today. It was written by Theodora Ross, M.D., PhD. I worked with her on the article. It is Part 2 of a two part series. I posted Part 1 yesterday.] Lisa Goldman is 43 years…
[This article was originally posted on Psychology Today. It was written by Theodora Ross, M.D., PhD. I worked with her on the article. It is Part 1 of a two part series. I will post Part 2 tomorrow.] Earlier this…
A friend posted this picture on Facebook: LOL, right? No. Not for me. That mug/meme may seem like a silly, harmless joke. But, the message, and the sentiment behind it, is offensive and detrimental to the doctor-patient relationship. My oncologist is an…
I have wonderful news! With the help of the phenomenal Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, we have just launched the ROS1+ Research Project. The first step of this research project is an online survey. If you have ROS1+ cancer (note: ROS1…
Just a few weeks after my diagnosis, I learned my cancer had tested positive for a rearrangement of the ROS1 gene. Of course, the first thing I did was Google the crap out of the term “ROS1.” I didn’t understand…
I was struck by a quote that my friend Samantha posted on Facebook a few weeks ago: “You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.” I’ve been building up to shifting my…