A New ROS1der FUNdraiser: Intro to the Zentangle Method
Hello – long time, no blog/chat. Got a little distracted with … attempting to merge with my couch? I’ve been pondering a longer “deep thoughts” blog, but my pandemic brain is not cooperating with actual writing. In the meantime, I…

ROS1 Research Project FUNdraiser — Painting for Pleasure and a Purpose!
I’m so thrilled to announce this fundraiser for the Addario Lung Cancer Foundation’s ROS1 Research Project. Accomplished artist and art instructor Tehila Eisenstat will be teaching an art class! Attendees will paint a picture, using acrylic paints, on a stretched canvas….

ROS1+ Cancer Research Survey Launched + FUNdraisers!
I have wonderful news! With the help of the phenomenal Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, we have just launched the ROS1+ Research Project. The first step of this research project is an online survey. If you have ROS1+ cancer (note: ROS1…

This & That — A Letter to My Mom Book, Team Lisa Update & Clinical Trial Innovation Contest
Here are a few odds and ends that don’t quite amount to their own blog posts, but I still want to share, so I’ve smushed them all together here: (1) A Letter to My Mom — This is the coolest…

Of Constipated Parrots and Brain MRIs
Last week I had an appointment with my oncologist. She reviewed my lab tests and we discussed my current side effects and symptoms. At each visit, she’s evaluating a variety of things, including my brain function and whether it warrants…

Catching Up With Team Lisa: SF Walk, Stanford Football and Breathe Ride
[by Eric] It’s been a busy stretch for Team Lisa. Let’s catch up on the recent activity. San Francisco Walk A month ago, we participated in the Bonnie Addario Lung Cancer Foundations 6th Annual Your Next Step is the Cure…

Please Join us for the Breathe Ride at Bay Club Santa Clara, October 18!
I am SO excited to announce this event! As many of you know, I taught indoor cycle classes for many years prior to getting sick. When my fitness family found out about my diagnosis, they showed up big time. I’ve…

Come Join or Support Team Lisa in SF on 9/21!
On April 11, I tentatively went for my first bike ride since my diagnosis. Eric and I tooled around the neighborhood and it felt great. Since then I’ve ventured out more and more, trying to build my strength and stamina…

Team Lisa at ‘San Diego Breath of Hope’
[Post by Eric] Last weekend, Team Lisa showed up at the 6th Annual San Diego Breath of Hope run by UC San Diego. Sister-in-law Sarah Sanger coordinated the team. Sarah reports: 12 of Lisa’s friends and family members walked in the…

Team Lisa at the San Francisco ‘Fight for Air Climb’
[Eric at the blog again…] This weekend, Team Lisa Goldman participated at the San Francisco “Fight for Air Climb,” run by the American Lung Association. Longtime friend Lara Williams was team leader. The team page. Lara sent us the following…