Hope (in the form of paying my annual Bar Association dues)

Photo by Shawn Rossi
I haven’t practiced law in over a decade. I stopped long before I was diagnosed with lung cancer. In fact, even when I was practicing, I didn’t like it. For me, law was a misstep. I never should have gone to law school. I never should have been a lawyer. But I did and I was, and even when I stopped practicing and with each passing year it looked less and less like I would ever return, I continued to pay my annual Bar dues. Surely lung cancer makes the chances of my return to law almost nil, but dammit if I’m going to let that stop me from paying my ransom to the California Bar Association. Wouldn’t that just be the thing? Murphy’s Law in turbo drive? I have a miraculous recovery and simultaneously for some reason Eric can no longer work and I’m left needing to financially support the family, but I’ve let my Bar membership lapse? I’m onto your tricks, Universe, and I’m not falling for it. My annual dues check is in the mail. I’m ready for my miracle.