2014. Of Bad Cheese Logs & Good Wine

Photo by Bob Shrader. I was diagnosed in January 2014. For the last 11 months, every event – holiday, birthday, school activity – triggered a memory and a thought. “The last time this happened, my world was still normal. I…

Look Snazzy While You Support Lung Cancer Research

In the winter of 2012, Dina saw a heart wrenching SPCA advertisement on TV and she decided she wanted to help the animals. After failing to earn much through her weekly chores, she asked if she could sell her art…

Update #6 11/24/14

Photo by Paul McCoubrie MRI Results If you are a hypochondriac, cancer might be just your thing. No more poo-pooing symptoms or brushing off complaints; when you have cancer, doctors pay attention. Of course, it’s a little late, after months…

Go Ahead (and ask me if I smoked) ... Make My Day

There’s a lot of talk amongst lung cancer survivors about the stigma of having lung cancer. Many lung cancer survivors resent it when people ask them, “Did you smoke?” But, I feel differently. Go ahead and ask me. Why? Because…

Lungs. They're Right Under Your Boobs! (Celebrating Lung Cancer Awareness Month)

Do you know the color of the lung cancer awareness ribbon? No, you probably don’t. That’s a trick question, because the ribbon has no color — it’s clear. Yep, you read that right. Someone, somewhere decided that the best color…

Catching Up With Team Lisa: SF Walk, Stanford Football and Breathe Ride

[by Eric] It’s been a busy stretch for Team Lisa. Let’s catch up on the recent activity. San Francisco Walk A month ago, we participated in the Bonnie Addario Lung Cancer Foundations 6th Annual Your Next Step is the Cure…

Please Join us for the Breathe Ride at Bay Club Santa Clara, October 18!

I am SO excited to announce this event! As many of you know, I taught indoor cycle classes for many years prior to getting sick. When my fitness family found out about my diagnosis, they showed up big time. I’ve…

In Loving Memory of Erin Williams Hyman

Last week I lost my longest-held friend. Erin and I met on the first day of 7th grade. We were assigned to the same table in Mr. Naka’s science class and remained lab partners all year. We bonded that year…

Update #5 - When Progression is not Progress

Progression. It sounds like it should be a good thing, but it’s not. I’m having bad flashbacks to an accounting class where the instructor kept insisting credits were bad and debits good. Huh? I heard on the radio yesterday that…

A few months ago I met Arash & Molly Golbon. Molly and I have a lot in common. We are both about the same age, we both have two kids, we both live in the same area. We’re both never-smokers….