Open Letter to My Mom on Mother’s Day
Mom, you have thrown yourself into your role as mother with unrestrained dedication since the beginning. You schlepped me to more activities than I can count, rooted me on in every event, proofread homework and hand-sewed Halloween costumes. You still,…

Team Lisa at ‘San Diego Breath of Hope’
[Post by Eric] Last weekend, Team Lisa showed up at the 6th Annual San Diego Breath of Hope run by UC San Diego. Sister-in-law Sarah Sanger coordinated the team. Sarah reports: 12 of Lisa’s friends and family members walked in the…

Playing the Cancer Card, Another Hidden Perk of Having a Life-Threatening Disease
A couple months ago, my friend Erin told me that when her husband had Hodgkin’s and they needed an excuse to get out of something, they’d invoke what they called “the Hodgy card.” Forget to bring something to a potluck,…
Update #3 4/14/14
I’ve kept pretty quiet about my condition in the last couple of months despite the fact that my last two rounds of scans have been very positive. There are a couple of reasons for this. One reason is good ol’fashioned…
The Language of Cancer
I’ve had so much support coming from all corners since my diagnosis. It’s staggering, a little surprising, and deeply reassuring about the amount of goodness in the world. I appreciate every ounce of it. But. There’s always a “but,” isn’t…

Team Lisa at the San Francisco ‘Fight for Air Climb’
[Eric at the blog again…] This weekend, Team Lisa Goldman participated at the San Francisco “Fight for Air Climb,” run by the American Lung Association. Longtime friend Lara Williams was team leader. The team page. Lara sent us the following…

Team Lisa Makes an Impact at 2014 ‘Jog for Jill’
[Eric’s note: Lisa is still recovering from her latest chemo infusion, so I’m staffing the blog again] Last weekend, Team Lisa made a strong showing at the 2014 Jog for Jill in Berkeley. The event is a fundraiser for the…

Losing My Religion
A few weeks ago my cousin asked me if or how my diagnosis affected my thoughts on God. I didn’t have a good answer for her. I wasn’t too sure about God’s existence B.D. (before diagnosis), and I can’t say…

At Google, “We Spin For Lisa”
[Eric’s note: Lisa is still recovering from her last chemo infusion, so I’m still manning the blog in the interim. Lisa had many fans of her spinning classes, and we got this heart-warming report from one of her former students…
Support “Team Lisa” at Two Upcoming Fundraising Athletic Events
[Note: Lisa is recovering from her latest chemo infusion, so this post is by husband Eric.] There will be “Team Lisa”s at two upcoming fundraiser athletic events. The details: ____ Jog for Jill, March 16, Berkeley From Sara Payne (the…