Young and Diagnosed with Lung Cancer

A few months ago I met Arash & Molly Golbon. Molly and I have a lot in common. We are both about the same age, we both have two kids, we both live in the same area. We’re both never-smokers….

Watch Us on Breathe California TV! Episode #1 Now Online

Watch Us on Breathe California TV! Episode #1 Now Online

[Post by Eric] Lisa and I recorded two television interviews for Breathe California‘a television show, moderated by Terry Trumbell. The show airs on San Jose/Campbell Comcast channel 15. The first episode aired already on August 21 and 28. You can…

A Dollar for Your Thoughts

A Dollar for Your Thoughts

Fifty years ago, in 1964, my Dad graduated from UC Berkeley (aka “Cal”). Upon graduation, he made a pledge with his three buddies before they scattered around the globe. They tore up a dollar bill into four pieces. Each guy…

“That’s My Cancer Smelling Dog” and Other Things Not to Say

“That’s My Cancer Smelling Dog” and Other Things Not to Say

Cancer, it seems, lends itself to awkward conversations. People don’t know what to say to me. Rest assured that I assume we all mean well, even when we say something stupid. If you worry that you might have uttered something…

Open Letter to My Mom on Mother's Day

Open Letter to My Mom on Mother’s Day

Mom, you have thrown yourself into your role as mother with unrestrained dedication since the beginning. You schlepped me to more activities than I can count, rooted me on in every event, proofread homework and hand-sewed Halloween costumes. You still,…

Playing the Cancer Card, Another Hidden Perk of Having a Life-Threatening Disease

Playing the Cancer Card, Another Hidden Perk of Having a Life-Threatening Disease

A couple months ago, my friend Erin told me that when her husband had Hodgkin’s and they needed an excuse to get out of something, they’d invoke what they called “the Hodgy card.” Forget to bring something to a potluck,…

The Language of Cancer

I’ve had so much support coming from all corners since my diagnosis. It’s staggering, a little surprising, and deeply reassuring about the amount of goodness in the world. I appreciate every ounce of it. But. There’s always a “but,” isn’t…

Losing My Religion

Losing My Religion

A few weeks ago my cousin asked me if or how my diagnosis affected my thoughts on God. I didn’t have a good answer for her. I wasn’t too sure about God’s existence B.D. (before diagnosis), and I can’t say…

Why I Decided to Blog

I’ve considered blogging for several years. I enjoy writing when I have the time and something to say, but the commitment of a blog always deterred me. I dabbled in blogging, guest posting occasionally (see vegetarian cookbook recommendations, Cuba experiences,…